day The Room Was Silent As Satan Stood Up Heavenly Father; It's really quite simple... Just as the majority of those who incorrectly claim the precious blood of your Son This defendant... has never ever had the Correct Faith in the three that testify in the earth
has never been Reborn of the Water is still carrying their sins
As such...
The defendant belongs to me
Oh yes, I will admit that the defendant appeared to do many great things in your name
and that this defendant even attempted to put their daily sins upon the sacrifice
But Most Heavenly Father
You can plainly see...
This effort... was nothing more-
than attempting to put the sins on the sacrifice After it had already been killed
This action would never be accepted by you in the priestly sacrificial system and likewise can not be accepted now
Only the Correct Faith in the Water aspect of Salvation
can properly put the Sins on the Sacrifice Beforr it was killed
I rest my case Jesus, the living Son of God stands up and slowly approaches the bench
The Accuser could not have a stronger case
Everything that he has said is absolutely true as stated
These truths were also presented in a most appropriate order and manner
As devastating as this testimony surely is
There is one extenuating circumstance that the prosecution has over-looked and failed to address
Something of utmost importance which is essential to this case and must be addressed
Did you not commission me to be the Saviour of the entire world?
though contrary to the popular belief... that I would fail you in this very important matter and that I would not be the Saviour of the entire world?
Well, I am indeed the Saviour of the entire World and as such, I submit the following mitigating facts
As foreshadowed in the Sacrificial System…
The sins of Israel were placed on the Sacrifice by the hands of a Priest in the lineage of Aaron before it would be sacrificed in full payment
Did I not also receive all the Sins of the World when I received my Baptism at the hands of John the last Levite Priest in the line of Aaron?
Did not the Holy Spirit descend from you Father in the form of a dove which rested upon me- revealing my Royalty as being your only begotten Son?
And did I not then proceed to the cross and complete with the shedding of my precious blood the full payment of all sin for the entire world?
As such...
legally being the Saviour of the entire world though contrary to the popular belief... that I would fail you in this very important matter and that I would not be the Saviour of the entire world?
Well, I am indeed the Saviour of the entire World and as such, I submit the following mitigating facts
As foreshadowed in the Sacrificial System…
The sins of Israel were placed on the Sacrifice by the hands of a Priest in the lineage of Aaron before it would be sacrificed in full payment
Did I not also receive all the Sins of the World when I received my Baptism at the hands of John the last Levite Priest in the line of Aaron?
Did not the Holy Spirit descend from you Father in the form of a dove which rested upon me- revealing my Royalty as being your only begotten Son?
And did I not then proceed to the cross and complete with the shedding of my precious blood the full payment of all sin for the entire world?
As such...
legally being the Saviour of the entire world
It is at my discretion and mine alone who will be the recipients of Salvation
As Saviour of the entire world it is my decision that this defendant
as well as all of those who failed to have the Correct Faith in the three that testified in the earth- The Blue Purple Scarlet…Water Spirit Blood
will make payment for their own sins in the Lake of Fire- wherein they will have their Carnal Natures burned away by the Spiritual Consuming Fire of God
And this fire will not be quenched until such time as all the undesirable traits are consumed-
resulting in them falling to their knees and confessing me as their Lord and Saviour
Some will receive few lashes (so to speak) and some will receive many (so to speak)
but they will not come OUT until they've paid the uttermost farthling
And I...
The Saviour of ALL men specially of those that believe (1tim 4:10)
Rest My Case
Breaking News...This Just In Many People... who Believed in Jesus Die In There Sins
Matt 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have We (Believers) not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Being Born of the Water has nothing to do with child birth
you do agree...
that if the priest in the Sacrificial System didn't do step A ...putting the sins on the Sacrifice before it was killed-
then the death of the sacrifice would be meaningless and didn't cover any sins
lets say this same priest seeing the error of his ways decided to go put the sins on the sacrifice After it was already dead
Would that be acceptable....??
The sins had to be on the Sacrifice before it was killed!!!
Now isn't that exactly what Christians try to do...
They pray daily to put their sins on Yahushuah (Jesus) After his death
Not realizing that it is too late!!
They have to have the Correct Faith in the Water aspect of Salvation-
which by Correct Faith puts their sins on Yahushuah (Jesus) Before He Was Killed
Has the Sacrifice been killed without your sins upon it
Has Yahushuah (Jesus) paid for All or None of your sins
We must remember there are Three that testify in the earth
Something to ponder...
The Water...Blue He took ..All.. Sin for ..All.. time there at His Baptism (how many really believe that...??)
The Spirit...Purple The Dove came down and rested upon him witnessing indeed this is the Royal Son of Elohim
The Blood...Scarlet Only after the Sin of the entire World was passed on to him by the only one that could do so (John the last high the lineage of Aaron)
As Jesus said: Of ..All.. men born of women... there is None greater than John... who prepared the way for our Saviour to be the acceptable Sacrifice carrying the Sin of the entire world
I hope you will read Most Christians will die in their sins and see how Elohim himself designed the Tabernacle with layers of Blue Purple Scarlet to match the Gospel of Water Spirit Blood
I submit that the majority of Christians live in the Scarlet layer Just Believing In The Blood
They will be saved but they will not stand before him with the correct faith They Are The ""Called"
Those by correct faith that find their way to the last layer of blue purple scarlet...water spirit blood will stand before him without sin
Because They Did Indeed Believe The Water Aspect Of Salvation They Are The "Chosen"

Debra Snipes & the Angels - My New Home Debra Snipes & the Angels - Whos In Charge, Jesus Good Morning Evryone Just Want To Wish Everyone A Bless Day And Have A Bless And Safe Weekend Lucy.
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