God Works Through Flawed Men and Women
There are many things those who share the Gospel do well to remember. Certainly it is good for us to recall that the message we share is the Good News of God's love and forgiveness. But, as we carry the Gospel to others it is also good if we remember it is mediated through we who are so flawed and fallen. Have you ever noticed how everyone in the Bible could have introduced himself, or herself, in some kind of recovery group? Imagine it:
"Hi. My name is Abraham. I am a coward and a liar. I would tell a lie to put my wife's life at risk in order to save my own skin."
"Hi. We are Isaac and Rebecca and we're dysfunctional parents."
"Hi. My name is Jacob and I'm a cheater and a scoundrel."
"Hi. My name is Aaron. I'm a religious leader; but I cave in to peer pressure."
"Hi. My name is Miriam. I'm jealous of my little brother Moses and I'm a racist; I'm upset about his inter-racial marriage."
"Hi. My name is Moses and I'm a hot-head and a murderer."
"Hi. My name is Naomi and I am bitter."
"Hi. My name is Samson and I struggle with lust."
"Hi. My name is David. I am an adulterer and a murderer."
"Hi. My name is Elijah and I struggle with depression."
"Hi. My name is Thomas. I struggle with doubts."
"Hi. My name is Mary Magdalene and I'm a prostitute."
"Hi. My name is Peter and I let down my best friend when he needed me most."
"Hi. My name is Timothy. I struggle with paralyzing fears and insecurities."
"Hi. My name is Paul. I am a Christian killer and I am very difficult to work with."
As I read about these "heroes of the faith" I see that each one was flawed and yet each did significant Kingdom work. I do not believe that they were rewarded for the flaws; nor do I believe their flaws were unrelated to the good that occurred in their lives. The flaws became grace places; places of humility, which I believe is a synonym for honesty. They came to acknowledge in progressively deeper ways their need of God's love and mercy. For, to each, in his or her specific need, God came because He loved them; as He loves us. He loves us! He loves us with a love that is not conditioned by our performance…

Francis Thompson's poem "The
Hound of Heaven" the hound, who represents God, asks the man who has been running from Him (the man whose live is spent in dissipation)
, "Human love demands human meriting; how hast thou merited? Of all man's dingiest clay thou art the dingiest clot. Alas, thou knowest not how unworthy of love thou art. Whom wilt thou find to love ignoble thee, save me? Save only me. Rise, clasp my hand and come…." The words are very powerful. God's love is not conditioned by performance and, perhaps, all the men and women listed above, went on to accomplish their greatest work after their hour of crisis because each understood more deeply than they might have otherwise known that God's love was deeper, richer, wider, and mightier than they ever could have imagined. Furthermore, His forgiveness can go deeper too. I love C. S. Lewis's work. But there is a point where I disagree with him. In "Mere Christianity" he wrote that he thought pride was the greatest sin. I disagree. It is certainly bad; and, perhaps we can legitimately say it is at the apex of all sin. But an apex, like that in a pyramid, is always supported by that which is much more substantive at its base. In other words, pride is at the end of a process. When I think about what precedes pride, I come up with insecurity or fear. In pride or pretense, the tendency is to make myself look better than I am because I fear if folks really and truly knew me as I am they would reject me. Fear precedes pride. And this fear is often insipid in most human subcultures; perhaps because it is so deeply embedded in our fallen sense of self. If we marginalize the strugglers in our midst with words like: "Out of fellowship"; "Carnal"; "Backslider"; though nobody would say it explicitly, implied in this is the expectation that everyone should be perfect in our subculture. Since nobody is perfect, this false expectation breeds pretense. Everybody goes about trying to make themselves look better than they are. This behavior is so contrary to real life that it seeks to be rationalized and validated and can only be done so pharisaically. The community moves into grace-denying constructs. Pride as I mentioned above is preceded by fear and insecurity.
The Bible says that the antidote to fear is the love of God. "Perfect love casts out fear" (I John 4:18). I think a corollary to that verse is that imperfect love breeds anxiety. You and me, we've never been loved perfectly by anybody. Remember: "Human love demands human meriting." We are saddled with the burden of anxiety by well-meaning folks who loved us as well as they might but were incapable of loving us perfectly. Of course it gets worse before it gets better; nobody we've ever loved has been loved perfectly by us as well. We have also burdened others with the anxiety of our well-intended but deficient love. Only God, from whom we can hide nothing, God, who fully knows us, can love us thoroughly with the transformational love that casts out fear. So, if my analogy is correct, and pride is at the apex of the pyramid, than the greatest sin at the very base of the pyramid is the unwillingness to receive the love of God unto ourselves. He comes to us with Incarnate grace as He came to each of those heroes listed above in their darkest hours to restore them. The true Kingdom of God is made up of broken men and women mended by the love and mercy of God. I do not know much; but I do know this is true. And I know that it is these kinds of people He deploys into the world to spread the Gospel. They are the only kind He has to work with. Andrew's offering of five loaves and two fish to feed the 5,000 wasn't much for the work that had to be done. But Jesus took what was offered and did something great with it! So too, with the offering to tell others about Jesus – it is mediated through flawed men and women, eager to tell others of His love and forgiveness which is free for the taking.
Jerry Root Ph.D
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