Friday, August 3, 2012

50 years after Marilyn Monroe, the spell remains

August 5, 2012 marks half a century since Marilyn Monroe died.

Such is her impact on our lives, our aesthetics and popular culture that it's impossible to imagine a world without Monroe. And it is, equally, impossible to imagine Marilyn without celebrating her.

Here then, are ten facets of Marilyn. They aren't the definitive ten things about her life, but they are things that -- to me -- begin perhaps to sum up the ineffability of that tremendous icon.

The blonde

She couldn't cut it as a brunette.

First snapped while she worked in a munitions factory -- when US Army magazine Yank was looking for pictures of young women aiding the war effort -- none of Marilyn's pictures were chosen for print.

Allured instantly by the lens, however, she joined a modeling agency and, after researching Jean Harlow and Lana Turner and realising that there was a demand for women with lighter coloured hair, dyed her dark curls into the now iconic shade of golden blonde.

Her cloud of golden hair -- highlighted further by artistic black and white cinematographers -- acted as a wispy, breathy halo, a voluptuous vixen softened by her candyfloss hair

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